Southern Maryland Personal Injury Attorneys
Injuries from Falling at Premises or Business

When you enter a store, restaurant or business, you are owed a duty by the owner that the premises will be safe and that you will be warned of hazards. That includes falling on the sidewalk because of snow or in the aisle because of debris that the shop owner failed to remove. Who is responsible? Shop owner? Maintenance Company? Both?
In these cases, a thorough investigation is needed since many large companies will use other businesses to clean, maintain and even supervise workers. Also, the employees are trained not to give statements and will rarely assist you in obtaining the information to make your claim. They will sometimes deny that surveillance footage exists that would clearly document the incident.
If you fall or trip at a business premises, here are some things to remember:

Seek Medical Treatment
Prioritize your health and attend all scheduled doctor's appointments.

Consult with a Lawyer Before Speaking to Insurers
Insurance companies may attempt to obtain statements or prompt a quick settlement from you. Never speak to the insurance adjusters or representatives until you have legal representation.
Inquire About Healthcare Expenses
Submit the costs of medical treatments to any applicable health insurer. Upon resolving your case, your health insurance company will typically be reimbursed for a portion of the expenses they covered for your medical care.
Consult with Your Attorneys
While this process is typical, you should consult with your attorneys for advice on your particular situation.

Why is Having Chapman & Bowling on Your Side Important?
People suffer tragic injuries when they fall or trip over something that they did not see and were warned about simply because they entered a store to do business, Chapman & Bowling, LLC has represented people against large fast food chains, big department stores, malls, grocery stores and even car dealerships when their clients have been injured in those places. The insurance companies will do everything possible to avoid compensating you and will even place blame on you or someone other person or entity. That tactic never works as Scott Bowling has obtained millions of dollars of settlements and awards in Southern Maryland for clients injured while simply going to a store to shop.
Serving as your devoted advocate, Chapman & Bowling is dedicated to standing by your side, making certain you don't bear the burden alone. We live and work in your community and businesses need to keep their premises safe for you.
Call us to schedule your free initial consultation with our expert attorneys: (301) 934-9969